Solid-state color centers, and in particular T centers in silicon, offer many advantages as a basis for quantum networking technologies, including direct telecommunications-band photonic emission, long-lived electron and nuclear spin qubits, and native integration into industry-standard, CMOS-compatible silicon-on-insulator (SOI) photonic chips at scale. By utilizing these properties, electrical tuning of the zero phonon line of a T ensemble in silicon enriched to 99.995% up to 1.45 GHz is demonstrated using photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopy. Theoretical analysis supports the results. Additionally, studies of T ensemble in terms of its spectral diffusion, inhomogeneous broadening, and zero-field hyperfine structure, which are crucial for generating indistinguishable single photons, a requirement for scalable quantum networks, are also reported. Overall, this work highlights the potential of T centers in silicon as a solid-state spin-photon interface for scalable quantum networks and distributed quantum computing by achieving precise control over the optical transition energies of individual emitters.
Speaker's Bio
Dr. Amirhossein AlizadehKhaledi is a postdoctoral researcher currently working at the Silicon Quantum Technology Lab at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. His expertise is in the field of silicon quantum technology and integrated photonics. His current research mainly focuses on developing advanced technologies for scalable quantum networks, particularly in the characterization and control of defects in silicon known as T centers which have promising properties for quantum computing and communication. During his PhD in Nanoplasmonics Research Group at the Centre for Advanced Materials & related Technologies at UVic, he made contributions in the field of nanoplasmonics, including developing techniques for trapping single upconversion nanoparticles containing erbium. His achievements in this field were recognized by being nominated for the Governor General's Academic Gold Medal and the Breakthrough award of the year. He also investigated how light interacts with nanoparticles, characterized single proteins, probed the Raman-active acoustic vibrations of nanoparticles, and investigated light-induced tunneling inelastic emission.